About US

US Stock Photo, featuring Paul O. Boisvert Photography, offers over 20,000 photographs in this online photography galery. High quality stock photos are available in a wide range of categories, such as sports photographs, creative nature photographs, aerial photographs, scenic rainbow pictures, Christmas pictures, farm scenery pictures, and landscape photography. This site also offers art photography prints for sale. Digital photography provides this site with interesting scenery photos that range from sunsets to autumn, winter, spring, and summer scenics available for all your photographic needs. Paul O. Boisvert is an award-winning photographer who is often referred to as the "premier Vermont photographer." He is known for his freelance magazine photography. As the main person in his stock photography agency he focuses on Lake Champlain and the Green Mountains of Vermont doing scenic landscape photoagraphy and digital art photography. The latest in Nikon digital cameras allows Paul to capture various images, such as action photos, portraits, and documentary photography. Paul O. Boisvert Photography uses a panoramic camera to provide high quality scenic and nature photography. Paul is available for editorial and commercial photography as a freelance photographer. In addition, we offer studio photography in Shelburne, VT.

This website is an image search engine where you can conduct a keyword search for online photography, high quality scenics, and a range of photographs. You can also do a keyword search for pictures of people, maple sugaring photography, architectural and fine food photography to mention a few of the categories. For a full listing of all categories, please go to the photo stock list page.
Please use the shopping cart to identify the photos you would like to purchase. Please call our office (802-985-8020) or email us at photo@pauloboisvert.com for additional options. We guarantee our work 100%.