Welcome to our order page.

US Stock Photo Paul O. Boisvert Photography offers a searchable database for your photo needs. Enter keywords in the dialog box in the photo gallery for automated search results. You can also search through each album to find just the right photo. For a complete listing of photo categories, please visit the photo stock list page that provides links to each album.
All photos on this website are available for personal display prints, editorial publications, and commercial applications.
We accept editorial publication page rates.
Please call 802-985-8020 for custom pricing based on use.
Personal Display Prints
Our personal display print prices are:
24 X 36   Print     $225
18 X 24   Print     $175
16 X 20   Print     $150
13 X 19   Print     $125
  8 X 10   Print     $85
  5 X 7     Print     $55
Larger custom prints are available upon request.
When you have found the right photo, click on "Add Photo to cart" under each photo, which will bring you back to a check out page. For each photo, choose the size and number of prints desired. Also, be sure to choose glossy or semi-glossy. Once you have selected the photo, the size, and the number of prints, please click on "continue to check out", which tallies your order for all prints selected. Please pay for prints through the Pay Pal credit card process at the bottom of the page.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call any time at 802-985-8020.